Your Outsourced
Product Team
For Early-Stage
University Start-ups

We help University Researchers to convert their research into commercially viable products. We provide consulting and development services for proof of concept product development, market intelligence , early customer acquisition, angel investor connections and product marketing.

  • CS: AIML/Edge AI/ AR/VR/Mixed reality/ Robotics & Autonomy
  • EE/ECE: PCB/Hardware design/Sensor system/Controller design/Embedded System
  • BioTech/Bio-Physics / System, Product and Process Design
  • Power Electronics : Solid State Drives, IPM-SRM motor

About us

Company is led by Dr Biplab Pal, MD based deep tech entrepreneur who has successfully co-founded several technology companies and received substantial investment. Over the course of the last 14 years, he has developed his team of market researchers, product managers and developers who are veterans of several start-ups.

This team will assist you to develop your start-up with minimal mistakes and maximum velocity. Our fees are minimal but we expect equity and profit sharing positions depending on product concept and funding level. Also due to limited bandwidth we do not support every start-up. We support only those which have the highest level of commercial and technical viability of commercial success.

biplab pal

And Evaluation

Idea to product : Plan and evaluate the essential features of your product to accomplish your business goals and eliminate possible mistakes.

  • Securing start-up seed funding from state/federal/angel funds
  • Product definition
  • Market/customer identification
  • Product vs Market gap research
  • Revenue projection/POC planning
  • Patentability research and provisional disclosure filing.
  • Marketing Material Building including Animated Video

Product Design
And Management

 is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

  • POC development – Proof of concept alpha product
  • Product Design , UX design and Review, technology review
  • MVP- minimum viable product  development
  • Provisional and utility patent filing
  • Full Market research
  • Investor Deck/ Investment Proposal preparation
  • Professional website Design and Branding
  • Content Marketing and  Social Media Marketing 
  • SEO Consultation
  • Performance Marketing
  • Email Marketing

Production And
Market Launch

Once POC is developed and angel funding is secured, this phase will include

  • Go to Market Strategy
  • Product launch and feedback ,customer journey mapping and optimization
  • Initial customer acquisition
  • Beta product development
  • Digital marketing and developing initial customer traction.
  • Machine learning, data science incorporation to product
  • Business intelligence and digital transformation

And Evaluation

Idea to product : Plan and evaluate the essential features of your product to accomplish your business goals and eliminate possible mistakes.

  • Securing start-up seed funding from state/federal/angel funds
  • Product definition
  • Market/customer identification
  • Product vs Market gap research
  • Revenue projection/POC planning
  • Patentability research and provisional disclosure filing.
  • Marketing Material Building including Animated Video

Product Design
And Management

 is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

  • POC development – Proof of concept alpha product
  • Product Design , UX design and Review, technology review
  • MVP- minimum viable product  development
  • Provisional and utility patent filing
  • Full Market research
  • Investor Deck/ Investment Proposal preparation
  • Professional website Design and Branding
  • Content Marketing and  Social Media Marketing 
  • SEO Consultation
  • Performance Marketing
  • Email Marketing

Production And
Market Launch

Once POC is developed and angel funding is secured, this phase will include

  • Go to Market Strategy
  • Product launch and feedback ,customer journey mapping and optimization
  • Initial customer acquisition
  • Beta product development
  • Digital marketing and developing initial customer traction.
  • Machine learning, data science incorporation to product
  • Business intelligence and digital transformation

Why is outsourcing beneficial for early stage University start-ups?

In our experience, most of the researchers ( Professors & Students) are extremely good at applying for the grants and delivering Federal funded projects but most of them have very little idea of what it would take to launch a successful business out of their innovation and research. Although services we are providing here are also available in the University Incubators, for most part, this kind of business service is run by the students mentored by an experienced entrepreneur. However, the success rate of this model is very low. Because even if the students are good at research, to attract investors and customers they need business experience. You can hire an experienced product manager or CEO but that will cost too-you may have to reserve that money for product development.

Other than the top ranking Universities that attract billions of dollars in VC funding, strike rate of the start-ups at mid-ranking universities are on lower side due to a) failure to attract angel/VC funding b) attracting customers c) business planning d) field tested robust prototypes ( Field prototype is a different beast than lab Prototype).

With our deep experience of product development and marketing, we would be more than happy to help you to define products that the market would buy. We will help you to get initial customer traction and a robust prototype in the hands of the customers. We will also connect you to Angel/VC funding once the success metric is achieved.

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